Canada Becomes First Country to Ban Toxic BPA
As avid Inhabitat readers know, BPA is a nasty substance. The organic compound, found in everything from reusable water bottles to soup cans, is thought to cause both hormonal and neurological issues. But the anti-BPA movement is growing strong — so strong, in fact, that Canada just moved to ban the substance altogether.
Canada banned BPA-containing plastic baby bottles in 2008, but the new move will see BPA removed from all products on store shelves. As a result, Canada will become the first country in the world to declare BPA as a toxic substance. There’s no word on when the ban will take effect, but the North American chemical industry is reportedly angry with Environment Canada’s decision to abolish the stuff.
Even though the U.S. hasn’t made any moves to ban BPA outright, the Canadian ban could reverberate across the border — and that’s a good thing for anyone concerned about their health.